ECODEV Internationale
Domain name

Deactivation of domain names not up to date with payment of the annual fee

Deactivation of domain names not up to date with payment of the annual fee

The Burkinabè Association of Internet Domains (ABDI) recently published a press release concerning the deactivation of domain names that are not up to date with the payment of the annual fee. According to the press release, the deadline for payment of the annual renewal fee is set for 12/31/2023 at 11:59 p.m. After this period, expired domain names will be deactivated, resulting in the unavailability of associated electronic services such as websites and messaging.


If you own or manage “.bf” domain names it is important that you check the status of your domain name on the who is a platform of the .bf registry available here:


If your domain has expired, or the expiration date is closed, you can renew your domain with ECODEV by creating a customer account here:




ECODEV is a Burkinabe company offering cutting-edge digital services. ECODEV is also a domain name registrar accredited by ARCEP. Registering “.bf” domain names has never been so easy and quick in Burkina Faso.

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