ECODEV Internationale

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EPP Status Codes

EPP Status Codes

Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) domain status codes, also called domain name status codes, indicate the status of a…

How to Choose the Best Hosting Service for Your Business?

How to Choose the Best Hosting Service for Your Business?

Selecting the right hosting service for your business is essential to ensure the performance, security and reliability of…

What are the principles of UX Design and the impact on website performance?

What are the principles of UX Design and the impact on website performance?

Good UX design doesn’t just make a site aesthetically pleasing; it aims to optimize user interaction with the…

Why is it important to have responsive and mobile-friendly websites?

Why is it important to have responsive and mobile-friendly websites?

Why is it important to have responsive and mobile-friendly websites? The modern digital era is marked by the…

What is domain name used for?

What is domain name used for?

Domain name What is the domain name used for? We are all familiar with domain names, whether for…

How to chose your domain name?

How to chose your domain name?

Internet How to choose your domain name ? Choosing a suitable domain name is an important step when…

Why your company should have a website

Why your company should have a website

Professional Website Why your company should have a website In an increasingly digital world, it is essential for…

09 Tips for Creating a Professional Email Signature

09 Tips for Creating a Professional Email Signature

Lorsque vous communiquez par email à des fins professionnelles, il est essentiel de soigner chaque détail pour projeter…

SEO: Techniques to boost your site’s ranking

SEO: Techniques to boost your site’s ranking

Dans l'univers compétitif d'Internet, être bien classé dans les moteurs de recherche est essentiel pour attirer du trafic…

55 emails routed in error to the Mali domain since the year 2022

55 emails routed in error to the Mali domain since the year 2022

Dans une récente divulgation, il est apparu que le Ministère de la Défense du Royaume-Uni avait répertorié cinquante-cinq…

Behind the Screens: The Untold Stories of Famous Websites

Behind the Screens: The Untold Stories of Famous Websites

Chaque jour, des milliards de personnes naviguent sur Internet, visitant des sites web familiers sans vraiment connaître les…

How to Drive Traffic to Your Website

How to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Lorsque vous lancez un site web WordPress à partir de zéro, générer du trafic peut sembler être un…

Deactivation of domain names not up to date with payment of the annual fee

Deactivation of domain names not up to date with payment of the annual fee

L’Association Burkinabè des Domaines Internet (ABDI) a récemment publié un communiqué de presse concernant la désactivation des noms…

The psychology of web design: Captivate users and keep them interested

The psychology of web design: Captivate users and keep them interested

Derrière chaque site web attrayant se cache une science subtile qui captive l'esprit des visiteurs et les maintient…

Domain names in Burkina Faso: Obtain your “.bf” domain name in one minute, simple, fast and accessible to all from 1000 FCFA.

Domain names in Burkina Faso: Obtain your “.bf” domain name in one minute, simple, fast and accessible to all from 1000 FCFA.

Depuis 30 ans, le registre des noms de domaine « .bf » fonctionnait en modèle 2R, mais le…

How to optimize the performance of your website with good hosting?

How to optimize the performance of your website with good hosting?

Web hosting How to optimize the performance of your website with good hosting ? To ensure optimal performance…

Why use secure business messaging for your business.

Why use secure business messaging for your business.

Assurez la protection de vos communications d'entreprise en utilisant une messagerie sécurisée et professionnelle. En optant pour une…

The reason why you should use Roundcube WebMail to manage your business messages

The reason why you should use Roundcube WebMail to manage your business messages

Dans le paysage des messageries électroniques, trouver une plateforme qui allie simplicité, fonctionnalités avancées et sécurité peut être…


Comment optimiser les performances de votre site web grâce à un bon hébergement ? Pour garantir des performances…

.bf or .com domain name, which to choose?

.bf or .com domain name, which to choose?

Websites .bf or .com domain name, which to choose? Choosing the ideal domain name is a crucial decision…

EPP Status Codes

Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) domain status codes, also called domain name status codes, indicate the status of a domain name registration. Every...

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